Well we decided to take a road trip, surely once we get onsite.
We load into the Philips company Red ford taurus
Why a red taurus, can I say COMPANY CAR WITH FREE GAS. Boy those were the days. Not the most hunting friendly vehicle but like i said FREE. So we drive the 6hrs and arrive near the town of Golconda IL. This is a nice nothing of a town but it becomes our base of operations for all phases of the turkey pursuit. We get down there and drive all around, no obvious forest, no welcome to the place where all the turkeys hide. After several dead ends we turn down a no name road that we are sure leads to the woods where we can hunt.
Its starts out gravel but soon turns to dirt. In addition it begins to get rougher and steeper, did I mention I miss the company car. We arrive at a field. Im not willing to go any further in that this is a CAR not a truck and getting stuck in the middle of no where with no cell phones, yes we actually had cell phones then. No web browsing, no google maps but my blackberry did get email.
We get out and look around. A short walk down the road yielded both tracks and poop. Now as hunters we are wise to the various game signs and as you are all wondering you can tell alot from poop.
See the white, that apparently is pee. They have some weird ways but we can tell from our expert observations that we are hot on the sent of a gobbler. You know the big bird with the feathers all puffed up. Anyway as we are walking someone, no me the slug as I am of course last actually catches sight of something that could be a bird.
Flushed with excitement we hike all around and agree that this is the spot we will hunt come spring.
Getting out is a bigger issue, the old taurus may go down the slippery hill fine but getting back up as sporty. However, by hammering the gas and getting a running start backwards for max traction with a front wheel drive car, nearly missing a huge tree we get back to the main road.
Boy, what we do for a chance to kill something
Next, the main event